
303 Enfield Jungle Carbine Serial Numbers
303 Enfield Jungle Carbine Serial Numbers

For example, during the Soviet-Afghan War of the 1980s, mujahideed found through practical experience that the. They were good, dependable, and effective rifles. 303 Enfields on the world’s battlefields. This striving for perfection is undoubtedly why, even today, one can occasionally find. 303 Enfield was continually improved throughout its long service life. 1 rifles during World War II (Stratton 2009: 4). At what must have been its production peak, Ishapore made 600,000 SMLE No. The Ishapore Rifle Factory, north of Calcutta, began manufacturing this weapon in 1909 using British machines and the same specifications as that followed by the Royal Small Arms Factory. 1 Mk III in 1904 and the Indian Army soon followed. With an overall length of 44.5 inches and weighing a little under 10 lbs, its Mk VII ball cartridge delivered 2,450 fps at the muzzle (Stratton 2009: 5, 140). 1 Mk III to me it is the quintessential smallarm of the world wars. Production changed to the 7.62 cartridge in the 1960s, and the last Enfields were made in the early 1970s. These rifles would eventually be manufactured at factories in England, India, Australia, and even a few in the United States. During World War I alone, more than 2,000,000 SMLEs were made at the Royal Small Arms Factory at Enfield Lock, Middlesex (Reynolds 1960: 180). 303 Lee-Enfield saw service in both world wars and countless conflicts around the world. Adopted by the British Army at the turn of the century, the. The constable’s SMLE was one of the 20th century’s outstanding military rifles and surely the one with the longest service record.

303 Enfield Jungle Carbine Serial Numbers